Introducing Courtney Stubber:
Courtney started her career in real estate in 2012 as a receptionist with Ray White.
Courtney quickly developed a passion and interest for Property Management and after becoming a registered Property Manager in May 2013 she earned recognition as 2013's "Ray White Best First Year Performer" in Property Management.
Courtney continues to develop and grow her knowledge in other aspects of Property Management, expanding into Trust Accounting in 2016, attending leadership programs in order to mentor and train new Property Managers and in 2017 she furthered her Real Estate knowledge by obtaining her Sales Representative Registration.
In 2021 Courtney was recognised as Ray White's Property Manager of the year and is now focusing on developing skills in mentoring and training new Property Managers in order to grow a highly skilled Property Management team.
In her spare time, she enjoys painting, drawing and gardening, and hopes to spend more time travelling WA's northern towns.
Best advice anyone has given you?
Leave nothing for tomorrow that can be done today
What do you most like to do to unwind?
Paint and draw, particularly pet portraits and animals.
What do you most like about your work
There is never nothing new to learn, and no day is the same as the one before